Embracing the Present Moment
As we prepare for our upcoming walking pilgrimage, we reflect on the reasons for making this journey through the sand. Walking pilgrimages are an ancient tradition. There are many accounts of this throughout the old and new testaments of the Bible. A pilgrim makes a journey to a holy site to pray and make a life transformation.
The world continually demands our attention. We look forward to taking a breath and “embracing the present moment” on our upcoming Baby Steps Camino™ pilgrimage. This journey is a time to “unplug” from the world of crisis and chaos. Don’t miss the opportunity to remove negative thoughts and replace them with joy and thanksgiving! You will have the chance to turn off the bad news that robs you of peace and turn on the good news of God’s love and mercy. In this current world of isolation, there has been so much loneliness and despair. Baby Steps Camino™ will allow you to be outside, walking, and talking with friends on a joyful journey together!
On my first walking pilgrimage, The Camino de Santiago, I continually reminded myself that I was “a Pilgrim and not a Tourist.” The tourist rushes from one spot to the next, admiring the views and moving on. The pilgrim lives in the moment, appreciating the surrounding beauty of the earth and praising God for allowing her to experience His creation. The tourist takes photos of the landscape, while the pilgrim becomes part of the landscape. Many tourists carry much more than they need. The pilgrim will carry few things, which lightens her burdens. Her body can attest to the fact that it is better “to want less, than to need more.” The tourist chooses comfort when making choices regarding the trip. The pilgrim knows that her struggle is part of the journey and perseverance makes the destination so much sweeter!
Baby Steps Camino™ is designed for pilgrims of all walking abilities. You can walk all three days or any one of the days. On Sunday, December 15th, the last day of the pilgrimage, you can walk the 2 mile “Bambino Camino™.” All these events are opportunities to be a pilgrim. All activities provide the option to be outside. Don’t miss the rare chance to arrive in St. Augustine as a pilgrim, not a tourist!
Life is a pilgrimage, as we are all preparing ourselves for our final holy destination. Use this time on the Baby Steps Camino™ to live in the present moment! Embrace the small details of the Camino and count your many blessings! We are excited to be making footprints in the sand and creating a joyful path toward Advent and the birth of Our Lord!
Buen Camino!
Beth Gutman, DM